Siemens Program and System Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. is 100% subsidiary of Siemens Ltd. China and was established in January 2004. Siemens PSE is the number one long-term international partner in software development for all divisions of Siemens in the field of product and system development, system integration and consulting. With top qualified staff, Siemens PSE is the engine that drives innovation.西门子软件与系统工程(南京)有限公司成立于2004年1月,是西门子(中国)有限公司的全资子公司。在产品与系统研发及系统集成与咨询领域中,PSE是西门子所有业务集团首选的长期软件研发合作伙伴。随着高素质员工的不断加入,PSE是推动革新的先驱。Located in Jiangning Development Zone of Nanjing, we have successfully established a modern working environment for teams with high-potential employees willing to learn and grow through challenging assignments. Our goal is to grow to 1000 employees until 2008.公司位于南京市江宁经济技术开发区。现在,我们已成功地为员工创建了一个现代化的工作环境。这些颇具发展潜力的员工们都希望通过挑战性的工作去学习,并与公司共同成长。我们的目标是到2008年使员工数达到1000人。Siemens PSE (Nanjing) has full access to PSE's worldwide know-how and project-expertise of more than 6000 engineers via PSE's outstanding internal know-how-networks and technology management.通过卓越的内部专有技术网络和技术管理手段,PSE南京公司可以充分利用PSE全球的技术网络,并借鉴全球超过6000名工程师的专业技术经验。What makes us unique and desirable for talents:·Broad career development in a rapid growing organization·Diversity of technologies, branches and its individual career development·International working environment, training and project opportunities·Siemens employment and benefit standards我们的独特之处以及对人才而言特有的吸引力在于:·在迅速发展的组织中拥有宽广的职业发展空间 ·多元化的技术领域,其分支及各自的职业发展方向 ·国际化工作环境,培训以及项目机会 ·西门子福利标准 Interested talents please visit our websites(具体职位描述请浏览我们的网站): www.siemens.com.cn, www.51job.com for detailed job description and apply online. You may also send your Curricula Vitae (please indicate the position applied for) in both English and Chinese to us.